Blogs 2:4 10/31-11/6

  • Free post
  • Read this article. Situate the idea of piracy in politics with what you know about heroism and heroes. What about human culture makes people respond to ideas like piracy or the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.
Please remember that you will not get credit this quarter for late blogs, incomplete blogs,  or blogs done only at the last minute (Sunday). It is time for you to manage your time, plan out your entire work load, and to try to do your best work (not just the minimum requirement. I spoke about this very clearly in class and many of you did not listen. Work will only get more difficult, so take care of blogs; don’t lose points on easy assignments.

Blogs 2:3 10/24-10/30

This week, you have 3 posts and 2 comments. Remember that you should be trying to use the conventions of good writing while developing a sense of voice. There is a two paragraph minimum, but you should write until you are finished. As always, blog THROUGHOUT the week. If you are having trouble with this, assign yourself specific blogging days based on your workload in all of your classes.

  • Read THIS ARTICLE  and respond to the issues she addresses. Minimize the summary, maximize the opinion. Support your opinion, of course.
  • Free post
  • 4th Block- Write an autobiographical post about your reading of Harry Potter this go around. Tell the story of your reading. Include dialogue, plot, and other features of a story in your retelling of how you are experiencing this book.
  • 5th Block- Track the heroic journey in 2 movies or books. You will need to wait to do this assignment until we cover it in class. Show how the heroic journey manifests in these popular movies or books.

Blogs 2:1 Welcome to the Second Quarter (10/10-10/16)

There will be three posts this week. Do them throughout the week, and you will have no trouble. Please remember to write at least two full paragraphs and that comments must be at least two sentences. Experiment with your writing style and your voice. Use conventions of writing such as proper capitalization and punctuation.

  • Post to teachers about blogging (due by Wednesday morning)- I am presenting blogging at a technology conference this week. Write about your experience of blogging so far. What have you learned? What works well? What doesn’t work so well. Let teachers know whatever you think they should know about classroom blogging.
  • Reflect on the process and the results of the syllabus project. Also include a discussion of what attitude the class must adopt in order to make the rest of the class year productive.
  • Free Post

Week of 10/3-10/10

There are no blogs due this week. Instead, you should do the following:

  • Work on your paper each night. I will ask you to submit an accounting of your time the following day for each day this week.
  • Review your paper for citations. Make sure ANYTHING that didn’t come from you is cited in some way. Compare your Works Cited to your paper.
  • Edit for passive voice and being verbs.
  • Read your paper aloud and make changes as you go.
  • Grade your paper according to the evaluation guide.
  • Do anything else that is necessary to make this paper the best possible by Thursday.

When blogging resumes, you will need to blog throughout the week. Those who wait will lose many points. You are hurting your classmates by not posting in time for them to comment. Blogs will also no longer be accepted if they are written the Monday they are due. Use this week to get your routines in order. Also, for the second quarter, late blogs will not be accepted.