They’re baaaaaaaack! Blogs 4:2 (4/29-5/5)

Before reading this week’s assignment, please consider the following:

All of your work at this point in the year should be the best possible, showing everything you’ve learned. Poor work will not be accepted and will be returned to you. This includes blogging. Blogs should be at least two full paragraphs and should be well-written, thorough, and interesting. There should be no errors and the directions should be followed exactly. They should be completed BEFORE the Monday they are due. Not meeting requirements will result in a 0. These last three weeks are also a great opportunity to experiment with techniques and topics you haven’t tried previously. When commenting, write at least 2 complete sentences and go beyond “I agree” or “good job.”

Getting tired is just an excuse and it belittles all of the effort that you have put into the year thus far. Slacking off now will cause you difficulty on the final. You have to bring your best work, ideas, and effort to that test, so you have to practice now. There’s no magic button to push. If you slack for two weeks, you’ll be weak on test day.

All that being said, your assignment this week is to write two posts and two comments on the topics below. Your A layer is due Wednesday, so you can wait to write your posts until after this point. In writing blogs and A layer, please look at previous comments on your work, especially those in You are expected to be improving on previous mistakes.

  • Choose a piece of Modern art, embed it or link it in your post, and discuss it. Interpret it as you would a piece of literature, but also discuss it’s features and characteristics. Rely upon your characteristics lists you’re creating in class, notes you’ve taken, and your powerpoint for Modernism help. Make sure you include in your discussion an explanation of how the piece is Modern. Make sure the art piece is from the Modern period and not just recent or contemporary (look for dates that fit Modernism).
  • Free post- It can be free, but you should consider writing about something that could be helpful to you (learning log, reflection, plan for all of your classes, study guide, reading journal, etc.)
  • Two comments, on any blogger from either of my classes.



Missing blogging?

I’m trying to give you time to read and work on class assignments, but that means that you must use the time you are being given. Just because you aren’t blogging doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be using each night to do a little English. Even though a homework assignment might not be due immediately, you should still work toward completing part of the layered project. Remember that you should be submitting work as you go. We will resume blogging soon, but I feel that you still need some time to catch up on reading and to dig in to the current projects. If you are worried about your grade without blogs, feel free to talk to me, but there will be plenty of points this quarter. Also, try your best on all of your work, and you will not need to worry so much about your grade. If you really do like blogging and miss writing them, feel free to write a post or two.