
You have one post and 2 comments. For your post this week, take two paragraphs from your research paper with which you are having trouble. Copy them into your post and revise them using suggestions from the resources and what we’ve been discussing in class. At the bottom of the post, ask your readers for specific feedback and help with your two paragraphs.

For comments, try to help as many people as possible. If they already have a comment or feedback, try someone else.

Blogs 2:1

It’s the last week of the quarter, but these posts will go on next quarter, so we’ll consider these the first posts of the new quarter. Go us! Let’s hope your writing doesn’t use language as repetitive as my first sentence.

  • #1-Free post
  • #2- Discuss your research
  • No posts on the due date, don’t post two on the same day, don’t wait until Sunday, Monday is too late

Write well!


Last posts of the quarter!

If you do them early, you won’t have them over break.

  • Free post
  • Research- Describe the best processes for research for YOU personally. Also, tell me what you know so far about England and Brit Lit and how that might affect your process.
  • Comments are optional