4:2 Projectifying

  • Free post
  • Projects- You are knee deep in projects. Write about them. What are you doing? What are you thinking about? What are you learning? What is your plan for working on them consistently IN and OUT of class? Go beyond these basic questions in your post.
  • Follow the rules

4:1 Beginning the End

It’s fourth quarter, and we’re back to blogging. Use these opportunities to practice things you still need to work on.

This week’s topics:

  • Free post (If you did one last week when there were no blogs due, it can count for your free post.)
  • Persuasion- Choose a specific audience and try to persuade them of something they are unlikely to want or do. Keep it appropriate. Use what we’re learning this week from Jonathan Swift about argumentation and persuasion.


  • Do one before Friday
  • No posts on Tuesday– check your settings to make sure the time zones are correct
  • Don’t double up on posts in a day